*lost my emotional hold today and began sobbing through the words i tried to say.
I usually try to come here each week and say something that i hope may touch your heart in some way. i am greatly honor to have the opportunity to do so. i am afraid however, that this week as i stand here... i have nothing.
I have walked with a heavy heart all week. Which is a bit ironic because i have been pondering on happiness this week. what it is, what it isn't and why wa all seem to be seeking it but never quite find it.
There is a quote from a character from The Hours. The Hours, if some of you haven't seen is a story about Virginia Woolf and several generations of interpretations of Virginia's work, Mrs. Dalloway. The character I quote is Clarrisa Vaugh.
Clarrisa says. "I remember one morning getting up at dawn, there was such a sense of possibility. You know, that feeling? And I remember thinking to myself, so THIS is the beginning of happiness. This is where it starts. And course, there will always be more" she stops for a moment and then said, "It never occurred to me it wasn't the beginning. It WAS happiness, it was THAT moment, RIGHT THEN." (end of quote)
I relate to this very much. Sometimes we look in the wrong place for happiness. sometimes we think happiness should look differently than what it actually does. And we don't stop, RIGHT THEN, IN THE MOMENT to understand that this feeling no matter howo fleeting , IS happiness. It is a small gift which is complete with love and contentment and joy. And we should hold on to those times and keep them close to our hearts until the next unexpect moment arrives, filling us again with that sense of possibility of having everything just within our grasp...
Call to Worship
Before the mystery that is God,
and in the sacred presence of one another;
we gather in faith and celebrate
the embrace of God's love.
Known and called as Christ's friends,
and drawn to the vision of a new way for the world;
we gather in faith and celebrate
the embrace of God's love.
Filled with the Spirit of peace,
and reborn to share the joy of life;
we gather in faith and celebrate
the embrace of God's love.