Today I want us all to do something together. We all did it when we were young. It will bring a smile to your face. I learned it in Sunday school back in the day.
Do, "this is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors and see all the people!
I look up and see this beautiful and extremely original building. I am confess that when people ask me what church I go to and what it looks like, I constantly call it the circus tent. It delights me every week that I pull up and park. I am always in awe when I sit down and allow my eyes to follow the curve of the ceiling to the top. (I have even learned how to turn on the ceiling fan, however I was sworn to secrecy.) This is a beautiful building. But when I look out toward you, I see your beautiful, loving faces; I look into your welcoming eyes, that is when I see the church, my church, our church.
Church isn’t where you meet. Church isn’t a building. Church is what you do. Church is who you are. Church is the human outworking of the person of Jesus Christ. Let’s not go to Church, let’s be the Church.
~Bridget Willard~
Join me in the Call to Worship
Spirit God is not confined to church spires
and pipe organs, but Spirit makes a home
within and through all.
Come Build a Church
Spirit God is not confined to church spires
and pipe organs, but Spirit makes a home
within and through all.
Come Build a Church
The brick and mortar of church buildings
cannot contain the sacredness of the Living
God but the flesh and bone of gathered
community is made sacred by God's presence
among us.
Come Build a Church