Thursday, August 13, 2009


I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who gave their time, energy and money to create such a wonderful experience for so many kids last week.

On Monday, there was just a big group of kids, coming from every place conceivable on earth. All with different stories and experiences. Most of them strangers to each other.

Friday when I came to pick up my girls, I walked into the church to the most beautiful sight and to one of the most incredible sounds I have ever experienced.

To the sight- I saw that same group of little strangers from Monday but they had been transformed into a community. It only took one week. I think that speaks to the power of our natural desire to belong.

To the sound- Well it sounded like a lot of things to me in a very short time.

It was 4:30 in the afternoon, I heard - NOISE.

I walked to entrance of the fellowship hall and heard - DRUMS.

I scanned the new little community looking for my girls and heard - RHYTHM

Then something happened to me. I closed my eyes, rested my head on the wall, and relaxed. The NOISE, the DRUMS, the RHYTHM, all the same sound, surrounded me and found its way inside me. I suddenly became part of the whole. My mind was calmed and my body was alive. Smile on my face and tears finding their way down my cheeks. (thank goodness nobody noticed that part, I can hear it now, “oh noooo there she goes again!) But in this moment I heard - PRAYER

I also felt JOY. I felt it in every cell of my body.

So again, I thank you for the week you gave my children and for the moment, that incredible moment on a hot, stressful Friday afternoon that you gave me.

Call to Worship

Here we see the richness of God’s love made real in the gifts of friendship, grace, food, and faith.

God’s presence keeps us going and gives us more than we need.

Come closer, search deeply, expect to receive daily bread - and then some.

God makes a place for all and gives to all with generous abundance.

Let us live with hope and trust in God

and worship abundantly.