I started a 240 hour externship at the pharmacy at a local hospital last week. I have spent the entire week trying to learn new rhythms, new personalities and panicked that I might kill a patient with the wrong drugs.
Unfortunately, all the voices in my head that usually live and talk to me all week have been silent. Probably thinking that if I did kill a patient, they would go with me to prison. Daunting for them, I am sure. I hope they come back. Its only been a week, but I miss them terribly.
Unfortunately, or fortunately I suppose depending on your opinion, I have no extra thoughts to add today.
But it always humbles me to stand before all of my beloved friends and call us to worship, please join me…
Call to Worship
We gather as a human community,
Ordinary in all things yet extraordinary in this:
In God’s Spirit, we become the Body of Christ.
We are trades people and artisans,
Teachers and lawyers, board members and directors,
Farmers and health workers,
Parents, children, siblings, and partners.
In God’s Spirit, we become the Body of Christ.
We bring a variety of expressions,
Ethnicities, tradition, orientations, backgrounds.
In God’s Spirit, we become the Body of Christ.
We delight in one another, work together,
Disagree at times, and support each other always.
In God’s Spirit, we become the Body of Christ.
Let us worship God.