Saturday, May 30, 2009


Gardens are like churches
Each flower raised up like a sacred prayer
Reaching for light and warmth and goodness...
Barefoot, I walk among them
Silently praying God sees me as well...

I used to live in a home with a wild English garden. A garden with roses and lupine and all various and sundry of flowers that I didnt' even know the name of.

A garden I planted, a garden I tended, and garden in which i found beauty and peace. I used to tell people that I didn't go to church because I talked to God in my garden. (that raised a few eyebrows from time to time)

Gardening to me has always been the epitome of faith and prayer and the visual manifestation of blessings which you are given because of your faith. Faith that the seeds which you planted early one October day would rise, would grow and bloom in beauty and celebration. Perhaps even that the seen itself knew you were praying for it to come.

I no longer live in that wild English garden. My life took me away from it. I have pined... But with new beginnings have all sorts of opportunities. I give thanks to God for giving me a new place to plant. I have faith that my seeds will rise, seeking light and warmth and goodness. And I barefoot, will join in their sacred prayer and the celebration when they bloom once again.

Call to Worship

Christ makes known to us the Living God and we belong to Christ forever
we are planted in God, growing in Christ, and bearing the fruit of the Spirit.

Christ speaks words from God and we receive them and know the truth
we are planted in God, growing in Christ and bearing the fruit of the Spirit

Christ is glorified in us as we gather in unity from prayer and worship
we are planted in God, growing in Christ and bearing the fruit of the Spirit

Christ's Spirit is going out into the world and we follow as hearers of God's love.
we are planted in God, growing in Christ and bearing the fruit of the Spirit.