a record of my ramblings which happen each week at the Boise UCC. i have been asked to do the Call to Worship every week. (add link to public speaking problems) and i ponder on monday and tuesday, how the CtW relates to me personally and perhaps how i can help it relate to others. the Boise UCC just began its new weekly Contemporary Services. we have a band. we have songs that do not come from dusty hymnals (no offense please traditionalists). we have a small growing group and i am honored each week to be part of something still in its infancy.
i want to record the CtW and my comments each week. inspiration is a wonderful, spiritual, magical, mysterious happening. i want to remember those moments. i want my children, to remember the things i spoke of in a little church on the North End of Boise when they were little. i want to remember that what once was a closed door with scary things behind it, now opened, is a priceless gift, to which i thank Mr. Westphal, my college teacher and God. in that order.